Programme 2024/25
Date Event Speaker/Judge Website Notes
02/09/2024 Talk  On Photography St Andrew's Mike Farley
09/09/2024 Talk Urban Exploration to Fine Art St Andrew's Viveca Koh Urban Exploration ....
16/09/2024 Talk  In My Backyard St Andrew's Annie Healey For those photographers who do not wish or are not able to travel far, this talk will illustrate the amazing breadth of nature that can be found close to home. Inspired by lockdowns and the inability to travel, all the images in this talk have been photographed either in my garden or in the park just across the road from where I live in Greater London.
23/09/2024 Competition  PDI  1 St Andrew's Eddie Hyde  
30/09/2024 Talk  Starting from RAW Zoom Inaki Hernandez-Lasa
30/09/24 to 13/10/24 Kingston Camera Club Exhibition All Saints Church All Saints Church, Market Place, Kingston
07/10/2024 Talk  5 Portrait Photographers St Andrew's Lawrence Homewood This is part of my ACCESS TO PHOTOGRAPHY presentations looking at 5 distinctly different well known photographers, and how their styles differ from each other, showing you how they go about photographing their subjects and the end results. The idea behind this presentation is to inspire club photography and show how styles can be so different. We look at the work of David Bailey, Richard Avedon, Annie Leibovitz, Terry Richardson and Steve McCurrey. We critique 3 images hoping if possible to get audience participation or feedback. Finally I conclude this presentation with working examples taken in the Studio and on location. 
14/10/2024 Competition PRINT 1 St Andrew's Graham Mansfield
21/10/2024   Awards Evening (Members and invited guests only) St Andrew's    
28/10/2024 Talk  My Restless Lens Zoom Keith Snell This varied talk covers the broad range of my photographic interests, which include wildlife, portrait and figurative, abstract, and impressionist/expressionist landscape images. The restlessness is shown by my travels, but I also include images taken locally - in the Lake District National Park - and during lockdown. My lens is also restless because the camera is waved around to capture ICM and in-camera multiple exposure images. I describe the techniques and compositional approaches behind these and my other images.
04/11/2024 Competition  Concorde Trophy St Andrew's Martin Patten  
11/11/2024 Talk My Photographic Year St Andrew's Andrew Wilson It's been an exciting year, with visits to many new places, plus the launch of two new books ('Wild About Ealing and Pitshanger' and 'Wild About Kensington'
18/11/2024 Competition  PDI  2 St Andrew's Paul Graber  
25/11/2024 Talk  Long Exposures Zoom Antony Zacharias This talk focusses on the wide ranging aspects of long exposure photography - from night images and other types of long exposures through to neutral density filters. I go beyond my best selling book 'Mastering Long Exposure Photography - a Definitive Guide' to provide members with a wealth of tips and ideas to improve their long exposure photography
02/12/2024 Talks Members Evening; 'PAGB Awards' by Tim Morland, and 'Panoramas' by Paul Waller St Andrew's Tim Morland and Paul Waller A introduction to PAGB Awards from Tim for anyone thinking of applying, and a brief outline of the many ways in which panoramas can be used to create a different and unique viewpoint for your photography.
09/12/2024 Competition PRINT 2 St Andrew's Pat Couder
16/12/2024   Christmas Social St Andrew's    
23/12/2024 - Christmas break - no meeting      
30/12/2024 - Christmas break - no meeting      
06/01/2025 Competition  PDI  3 St Andrew's Darren Pulman  
13/01/2025 Talk Food photography & How to share your photography online Zoom Kimberly Espinal We’ll be delving into principles around food photography – working with natural light, propping, food styling, colour theory and composition. After the break we’ll be exploring how to optimise social media to share your work and find clients, as well as build a beautiful portfolio
20/01/2025 Talk  Tools Not Rules St Andrew's Caroline Preece
27/01/2025 Talk Panoramas - a Different View St Andrew's Paul Waller An exploration of how panoramas can be used to achieve a different and unique viewpoint for your photography. Using examples from my work, this talk covers basic ‘stitching’ techniques, 180 degree and 360 degree panoramas, and tips on the best ways of taking your ‘component’ images. I also take a brief diversion into infra-red photography.
03/02/2025 - Members' Evening; Image Critique St Andrew's Members
10/02/2025 Talk An Alternative Camera Manual St Andrew's Steve Kingswell This talk suggests we should learn so much more about how to express ourselves in photography rather than purely technique and guidelines. It suggests another way to consider how we look at photography. This talk aims to get you thinking about photography from different & new perspectives. Choose this talk if you would like something instructional for beginners through to experts, and some serious food for thought.
17/02/2025 Competition  PRINT 3 St Andrew's Ken Scott  
24/02/2025 Competition  Set Subject & Quarry Trophy Competitions St Andrew's Members   The Set Subject Competition will be on 'People'; for the Quarry Trophy the subject is 'Minimalism'
03/03/2025 Talk  Classic Wild Landscapes Zoom David Boag
10/03/2025 Competition AP-S/Nikon Trophies St Andrew's David Hughes
17/03/2025   AGM / Members' Evening St Andrew's    
24/03/2025 Talk  Photography on the Dark Side - London Nights Zoom Peter Benson  Peter Benson FRPS MCrGP AWPF CPAGB BPE3, is a keen urban nightscape photographer. During this talk Peter takes us back into the history of Night Photography running alongside his family history in Photography and then on a tour around some of his favourite places for night photography in and around London. Here you can join Peter in exploring the magical beauty of the night, one frame at a time immersing yourself in the mesmerising urban nightscapes captured through his lens. During this journey he'll be giving some hints and tips along the way sprinkled with a bit of history about some of the places, so there is something for everyone. 
31/03/2025 Competition  PDI  4 St Andrew's Justin Cliffe  
07/04/2025 Talk  Street on Street St Andrew's Simon Street
14/04/2025 Talk Deep Sky Wonders St Andrew's Max Dobres
21/04/2025 - Easter Monday - no meeting      
28/04/2025 Competition  PRINT 4 St Andrew's Sarah Bedwell  
05/05/2025 - Bank Holiday - no meeting      
12/05/2025 TBC
19/05/2025 Competition  PDI  5 St Andrew's Kevin Day  
26/05/2025 - Bank Holiday - no meeting      
02/06/2025 Talk  The Power of Photography St Andrew's Roger Mendham  
09/06/2025 Competition PRINT 5 St Andrew's Sheena Rogers
16/06/2025 TBC
23/06/2025 Talk  The Way I See It St Andrew's Rosemary Wilman
30/06/2025 Competition  Best of Season St Andrew's Paul Parkinson  
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