Monday 20th January – ‘Tools Not Rules’ by Caroline Preece

Next week’s talk is ‘Tools Not Rules’ by Caroline Preece. Caroline says;

The objective of the talk is to introduce people to a different way of thinking about photography and composition. 

The first part of the talk covers photography as a visual language and communicating your personal take on the world through your images.

In the second part I aim to provide you with an understanding of the psychology behind how people interpret the visual elements within an image; and the impact of your compositional choices on the end image and how the viewer experiences it.   This will help you communicate more effectively through your images; ensure your photos say what you want them to say and feel like you want them to feel; and enable you to create images with impact.

The talk is based on psychology and is about empowering people to make informed decisions as opposed to worrying about rules and whether to break them.

If you want to know more about Caroline’s approach to photography, her website is at


Monday 20th January – ‘Tools Not Rules’ by Caroline Preece
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